CEO and Co-Founder, Cleanbox Technology

Amy Hedrick is CEO and Co-Founder of Cleanbox Technology. As a thought leader providing insights into the next best thing for high tech, she brings solutions and innovation in clean technology for the next century.
Amy was Manager of Content and Digital Media for the think tank division of Li and Fung, a leading global consumer goods sourcing and manufacturing company based in Hong Kong. Her responsibilities included bespoke research and C-level reports on relevant topics within technology, retail, and cross-genre applications.
She was also one of four writers for the Fung Business Intelligence Center (FBIC), publishing weekly articles with FBIC. She continues to occasionally write columns for such publications as Retailing Today and Retail Leader.
Hedrick’s Cleanbox Technology has been showcased alongside Intel; Survios and Creed; Lenovo and Star Wars Jedi Challenges; and Neil de Grasse Tyson’s Space Odyssey, seen at VRLA, VRTO and Future Tech Live! At Comic Con 2018.
Amy attended Columbia University and divides her time between New York City and San Diego, California.