Co-founder, Food Academy

Carlos is founder of Food Academy UK, adviser to the digital food start-up and strategy and evaluation consultant to the World Bank, European Commission, UK Department of Health and large corporations such as Cisco and Accenture. Carlos was also appointed to the UK Cabinet Office in recognition of his programme delivery and evaluation expertise.
Carlos combines a strong understanding of health strategy and policy with a detailed knowledge of what works at local level in disadvantaged areas -especially in relation to food, non-communicable diseases and behaviour change.
At Food Academy, Carlos has seek to improve the outcomes of public health research and programmes by encouraging national organisations (Medical Research Council Epidemiology, Dietetics Department of Kings College London, British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK) to engage meaningfully at local level.
Carlos work currently focuses on supporting market-based public health social innovations that are cost effective and can be replicated at large scale. Carlos holds degrees in Economics from Yale University and Columbia University.