Dr. Mingxing
CEO at Cellvax

Dr. Mingxing Wei was graduated from Beijing Agriculture University in China and has obtained his Ph.D. degree at University of Lyon in France. Then, he went to « Harvard Medical School » in Boston for post-doctoral training. Besides numerous published scientific articles, he obtained two large research grants. After coming back to France in 1995, Dr. Wei has joined two French biotech companies as a Project Manager and got his HDR degree (the highest university degree in France) at University Paris XIII. Since 1998, he is also a Training Specialist Officer for animal experimentation in France. Since 2014, Dr. Wei is also an Expert evaluator for European Commission. Dr. Wei founded the company Cellvax in 2001 and serves as an acting CEO for almost 19 years. Since this date, Cellvax has achieved a remarkable record as a service company, thanks to its expertise in different cancer and osteoarthritis animal models. Cellvax, founded in 2001, is a preclinical CRO which provides complete innovating drug validation studies both in vitro and in vivo allowing to accelerate the drug development process for unmet needs related to severe human diseases, mainly in Cancer and Osteoarthritis (OA) fields. Through a strategic partnership with two Chinese CROs, Cellvax can provide large animal studies such as in monkeys, Beagle dogs and pigs, and for clinical trials, product registrations in China. Since 2019, Cellvax made a strong commitment in GLP implementation. Cellvax has a strong will to work and collaborate with biotech companies, public and pharmaceutical laboratories in order to speed up the development of innovative compounds. Not only this participation to large European collaborative projects has enabled Cellvax to develop its R&D activity, but also it has considerably increased its visibility in European countries, thus opening exciting perspectives for its future development.