Head of Adaptive Tumor Immunity and Principal Scientist in Cancer Immunology Discovery Research, Genentech

Jane Grogan is a Head of Adaptive Tumor Immunity and Principal Scientist in Cancer Immunology Discovery Research at Genentech, and leads the neoantigen and cell therapy efforts. Her research focuses predominantly on mechanisms of T cell activation, tolerance-induction and epigenetic modifiers, using integrative approaches, combining bioinformatics, biology and diagnostics. Her lab has identified key regulators of effector and regulatory T cells, and has moved multiple targets into clinical development for Autoimmune and Oncology indications: including anti-lymphotoxin in rheumatoid arthritis; and anti-TIGIT for cancer immunotherapy. Her current roles include liaisons across Early Discovery Research, Clinical Development and Business Development. Jane trained at the University of Melbourne, Australia, completed her PhD in Leiden University, The Netherlands, and her post-doctoral training as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the DRFZ in Berlin, and as a Howard Hughes Fellow at the University of California San Francisco. She is on the Advisory Board of Sustainable Science Institute – a non-profit organization that supports scientists and public health communities in resource-poor settings. She also hosts the biweekly podcast series “Two Scientists Walk into a Bar”