Lorenz M.
Mayr, Ph.D.
Chief Technology Officer, GE Healthcare Life Sciences

Lorenz is working since May 2017 as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for GE Healthcare Life Sciences and is responsible for all R&D investments, research programs, business growth strategy, technology innovation, and R&D talent development across all business areas (BioProcess, Imaging Diagnostics/Contrast Media, Research Tools and Applied Markets, Cell & Gene Therapy, New Opportunities).
Previously, he has been working as Vice President & Global Head, Reagents & Assay Development with responsibility for generation of all biological reagents and assay development activities across all therapeutic research areas at AstraZeneca.
Before that, he has been working as Executive Director at Novartis Pharma in Basel/Switzerland, at Bayer Pharma Research in Wuppertal/Germany, at Bayer Central Research in Leverkusen/Germany and at the M.I.T./Whitehead Institute in Cambridge/ Massachusetts (U.S.A.). He is lecturer for Biochemistry at the Martin-Luther University in Halle/Saale (Germany), has published over 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals and is member of several Scientific Advisory Boards (SABs).
He has received first class degrees in biochemistry, biophysics, molecular & cell biology at the University of Tubingen (Germany), University of Bayreuth (Germany) and the University of Colorado at Boulder (U.S.A.) and a number of fellowships & awards for his studies in Germany and the United States.