Prof. Dipak
President, The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD)

Dipak is President of The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD). He plays a leading international role in research and development of Electronic Health Records, including the development of ISO standards on EHR interoperability, personal health records, EHR requirements, security and data protection. Dipak has led multiple Horizon 2020 and IMI projects in these areas, alongside pharma companies, hospitals, patient and professional organisations and ICT companies. His current projects include the generation and acceptance of real world evidence in pregnancy, the governance of patient-centric clinical trials, scaling up the quality, interoperability and the reuse of health data for research, the readiness of hospitals to generate evidence for value based care, and a new initiative to explain the value of research using health data to the public. Dipak is Professor of Health Informatics at University College London, Visiting Professor at the University of Gent and a member of CEN and ISO standardisation bodies.