Vice-President of the Discovery Biology department at AstraZeneca

Steve Rees is Vice-President of the Discovery Biology department at AstraZeneca with global responsibility for reagent generation, assay development and functional genomics. Prior to this Steve led the Screening Sciences and Sample Management department at AstraZeneca with accountability for Compound Management, the human tissue BioBank, Hit Discovery and Lead Optimisation biology support to preclinical discovery projects. Prior to joining AstraZeneca, Steve worked at GlaxoSmithKline for 24 years in various roles. Steve has led multiple international collaborations, has authored >65 scientific papers and has spoken at many international symposia. He is currently Chairman of the European laboratory Research and Innovation Group, and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for LifeArc, the Centre for Membrane Protein Receptor Research at the Universities of Birmingham and Nottingham and Axol Bioscience Ltd.